Looking at a piece of code, we can learn a lot from its visual structure, even before reading the actual code. Some typical such structures can help us spot possible code-smell.
Recently, there are a lot of reports about some sort of "LLM Dementia": ChatGPT and similar LLMs are becoming much less accurate and relevant.
A possible explanation might be the problem of self feeding, just like what happened to Yossarian in Catch 22.
C++26 is about to introduce reflection at compile time. In Core-C++ 2024, the current progress about it was presented, and the audience was intrigued with a specific challenges related to function parameter names. This is a short explanation of the planned reflection mechanism, and a possible way to address that challenge.
Like every year, the annual Core C++ conference in Israel for 2024 was great. Unlike every year, this time it aimed for wider audience. A short summary about the conference and its highlights.
A few days ago, a new proposal draft for generics implementation in Golang was submitted. What are “Generics” and what Needs do they Solve? It is a long time that…
Many years have passed since the introduction of “Object Oriented Design” concepts, and many programming languages have decided to adopt that approach, reject it or pick some parts of it…
A few weeks ago, the Core C++ Israel conference took place for the first time, in the Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo. Naturally, I have mainly focused on the domains…
Exceptions are a fundamental concept of many SW systems. Yet, the right way to use and handle them is not always clear, and highly varies among systems and platforms. This post goes over the most important rules for successful exception handling towards robust and well written systems.
Technology vs. Architecture When speaking about “Architecture”, the conversation usually moves to to technologies discussion. Is Java better, or maybe C++? Should we use Windows, or maybe Linux? Which is…
If you are one of this blog’s readers, you are probably familiar with the SOLID principles for OOD software development. The one thing you have never been taught, though, is…